Tanjeev’s Blog

Another random blog

Astronomy Post

This is my astronomy post, so it’s about astronomy.


Anyways the latest news is that there are new planets, the old planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Now there are even more planets, and with different names too: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Charon, Eris, and UB313.

Pluto and Charan, Eris, and UB313 are all dwarf planets, which means they don’t have the size to be considered a new planet, but Ceres is believed to be an asteroid wandering too far from it’s belt.

The closest planet to the Sun

The closest planet to the Sun

Mercury, barely a planet, almost a dwarf planet is the closest one to the star, Sol, or as some may call it The Sun. It’s atmosphere, biosphere, etc. is not as life sustaining as Earth’s, therefore it can not hold life. The main gas onthis planet is helium. The planet has no water because of it’s distance from the sun, if it had any water, the water would evaporate, scientists believe it never had any water, therefore it had no life.

Earth's twin sister

Earth's twin sister

Venus is also known as Earth’s twin sister. When I was in 4th grade, my teacher asked me and my group to present a project about mercury, and she gave us an a+ on it. Venus is also very scorched because of it’s distance from the Sun, it has similar characteristics of the Earth, such as it has a Sun rise and a Sun set. Venus is also known as the evening star, it got it’s name from what it looks like at the evening from Earth. Venus can not sustain life not only because it has no water, but because of the the main gas it has, it’s atmosphere is made up of Carbon Dioxide. Many scientists believe that venus once had life, because of the large amount of oxygen it carries along with Carbon Dioxide, yet some scientists continue to argue, and others prove.


The planet that once had life

The planet that once had life


Many kids believe mars have and had martians, we all think this statement is false, but scientists aren’t so sure. A few years back, a probe traveled to Mars, and what it found was astonishing, it had found small bacteria. If bacteria exists on Mars, why wouldn’t there be life, bacteria is life, and bacteria is what many organisms evolve from. Mars is much smaller than Earth, and it’s atmosphere consists of Carbon Dioxide, and it once had oxygen and water. Even though Mars is only the 4th planet from the Sun, it has temperatures that go 30 degrees below 0.

The asteroid planet Ceres

The asteroid planet Ceres


I don’t have much information on Ceres, but I know that the tidal theory proves that it’s from the asteroid belt and that it wandered of and became a dwarf planet.


The Monster

The Monster


The largest and most dangerous planet Jupiter. It has an atmosphere consisting of Helium and Hydrogen. It can not have any life because of how dangerous it is. One thing, this is not a terrestrial planet, which means it does not have any land, it has dense gas only. The gravity is so powerful, it could blast you right through the gas into the core, and the core is so dense, you would be compressed to the size of a grain of rice, then half the size, then you would implode. Jupiter has many rings but not the most and it is said to never had or have life. Jupiter contains the dangerous satellite Io, it has a volcanic eruption every 3 seconds, it is covered in a lot of lava, and it doesn’t even have an atmosphere. This satellite is still not the largest satellite , but it is the most active.

The ringed planet

The ringed planet

This planet is similar to Jupiter, it has the same atmosphere, it has twice the natural satellites, but it has about ten times the rings. In fact it has show many rings, it shows it’s Saturn’s orbit. Saturn is also a Juvial planet, which means it is covered in dense gas and a very dangerous core. There’s really nothing else to say.

The oceanic planet

The oceanic planet

This planet is very tricky, it may look like it has 10 times the water of Earth, but it really has no water, it’s all gas, and this is in fact another Juvial planet. It has half the satellites of Jupiter, but it has mostly Helium which causes the planet to look like it’s filled with millions of tons of water. This planet also has 2 times the rings of Jupiter but less than 1/5th the rings of Saturn.


The tripped planet

The planet on its side

This planet is on it’s side, if enough rings were on this planet the orbit would be show up to down. At a time of an Earth year, Uranus is visible with the naked eye, and at that time, it is closer to the Sun than Venus. Uranus is another Juvial planet, it consists of Hydrogen and Helium. It’s similar to Neptune because it is also blue, the internal structure is much different.


Double Planet

Double Planet

This is the double planet Pluto and Charon (you can’t see Charon in the picture). Charon is Pluto’s only natural satellite, yet it is almost the size of Pluto, both have an orbit and that is how they link to each other, pluto orbits on Charon’s orbit, and Charon orbits on Pluto’s orbit, that is why it is called the double planet. This planet is pretty much a barren wasteland, it is called, it hardly has an atmosphere which consists of a small amount of Nitrogen, which is also found on Earth. Pluto can not sustain life because of the temperature and it’s size, size determins the magnitude of gravity, and humans would weigh less than 1/5th of the weight they weigh on Earth on Pluto. Pluto is a dwarf planet and surprisingly is even smaller than our own Moon. Scientists think that pluto was a simple meteor in space that fell into the Sun’s orbit. You may be surprised to hear this, but Pluto’s orbit is unstable causing it to have sunrise and sunset.

The perhaps life sustaining planet Eris

The perhaps life sustaining planet Eris


Eris may have life, I’m not sure how scientists conclude this theory though. Eris is surprisinglylarger than pluto, it also has it’s own natural satellite named Dysmonia. I don’t know many things about Eris but scientists have sent probes and hypothesize that there may be life.

The mysterious planet

The mysterious planet

 I don’t know anything about 2003 UB313 except it has a very strange name.

December 19, 2008 Posted by | Astronomy | | 1 Comment